GuangYang Amusement teamwork activities in December- The fifth "Guangyang Cup" basketball competition
In order to enhance our enterprise culture development, make a fiere atmosphere of team,the annual activity- The fifth“Guangyang cup" basketball competition was held on 9th December. Thanks to all the efforts of our board of study and our players,the competition was crowned with complete success. Each of the activity emerge the growth process with "splendid,interesting”which make the big family "Guangyang ,Nongyang ,Changyang" more harmonious,active,and hardworking.
In the competition,all the players observed the rule,obeyed the conductor,showed their basketball skills which express their will.what's more ,they developed the sport sprits of "Friendship comes first and competition second".At the same time,each group members encourage our players actively which embody the good spirit of our company.Our board of study try their best to plan and arrange two interesting games,and all the members participated in the games actively.The basketball proceeded in good order with our interesting game which shows" fair,friendship,and happy "atmosphere .This time,each team do their good job in this competition,and if we focus on the match,enjoy ourself ,enhance our team power,all of us are the winners no matter what the result will be.
This competition shows our cohesion,we enhance our quality and our teamwork spirit through this basketball competition.The growth of the team is the growth of us.
Our slogan:Develop Guangyang to create glorious.