
2022/10/20瑞士TOP1蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院ETH Zurich本周博士職位更新(內(nèi)含五個職位)

如需了解更多歐美香港PhD, Master,Bachelor申請信息,可添加公眾號xiaojinyuoffer了解更多相關(guān)信息 一鍵點贊、關(guān)注、收藏! 蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院介紹及近期職位更新參考: 歐洲名??破眨禾K黎...

如需了解更多歐美香港PhD, Master,Bachelor申請信息,可添加公眾號xiaojinyuoffer了解更多相關(guān)信息





小金魚留學(xué)工作室:強強聯(lián)合項目推薦-5:蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院(ETH)-洛桑聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院(EPFL)Learning Sciences聯(lián)合博士項目

Paul Scherrer Institute PhD student PSI博士職位一名

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore, about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether, PSI employs 2200 people.

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI是瑞士最大的自然和工程科學(xué)研究機構(gòu)。我們在物質(zhì)和材料、能源和環(huán)境以及人類健康領(lǐng)域進行前沿研究。通過進行基礎(chǔ)和應(yīng)用研究,我們致力于為社會、科學(xué)和經(jīng)濟面臨的重大挑戰(zhàn)提供可持續(xù)的解決方案。PSI致力于培訓(xùn)未來的一代。因此,我們約有四分之一的員工是博士后、研究生或?qū)W徒。PSI總共有2200名員工。

For the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, we are looking for a PhD student


Your tasks

You will work on a competitive topical project as part of a well-established research teamA particular focus will be the evaluation and investigation of the (radio)biological and pharmaceutical effects of radioconjugates using emerging radionuclides for cancer therapyThe project will include the establishment and application of in vitro assays and in vivo models to investigate the theragnostic potential of novel radioconjugates你將作為一個成熟的研究團隊的一部分,從事一個有競爭力的主題項目一個特別的重點是評估和調(diào)查使用新興放射性核素治療癌癥的放射性結(jié)合物的(放射性)生物和藥物效應(yīng)。該項目將包括建立和應(yīng)用體外試驗和體內(nèi)模型來研究新型放射性結(jié)合物的治療潛力。

Your profile 對申請人的要求

Masters degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Life Sciences, Human or Veterinary Medicine or in an equivalent fieldYou would like to work in an interdisciplinary research fieldExcellent English skills (spoken and written) are a must生物學(xué)、生物化學(xué)、制藥科學(xué)、生命科學(xué)、人類或獸醫(yī)學(xué)或同等領(lǐng)域的碩士學(xué)位您希望在一個跨學(xué)科的研究領(lǐng)域工作優(yōu)秀的英語能力(口語和寫作)是必須的

We offer

Our institution is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and dynamic collaboration. You will profit from a systematic training on the job, in addition to personal development possibilities and our pronounced vocational training culture. If you wish to optimally combine work and family life or other personal interests, we are able to support you with our modern employment conditions and the on-site infrastructure.



For further information, please contact PD Dr Cristina Müller, phone +41 56 310 44 54.

Please submit your application online by 31 December 2022 including addresses of referees) for the position as a PhD student (index no. 2211-00).

欲了解更多信息,請聯(lián)系PD Cristina Müller博士,電話:+41 56 310 44 54。


申請鏈接:PhD Student

2.Two PhDs in alpine sediment research 高山沉積物研究中的兩名博士

Two PhDs in alpine sediment research

The Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management is inviting you to join us in exploring how to improve predictions of sediment pathways and budgets in river basins. We have two PhD openings in Zurich on data-driven geomorphology and hydrology-sediment modelling.


Project background

Sediment performs several critical functions for river, coastal and marine ecosystems, it generates natural hazards like erosion, debris flows and landslides, and forms floodplains with unique functions for humans and ecosystems. However, much remains unknown about the details of where are the sediment sources and sinks in the landscape, the pathways that connect them, and when and how they are activated – especially insofar as quantitative predictions of sediment fluxes at the river basin scale are concerned. We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of a hydrology-sediment modeling group (Molnar, ETH Zurich) and a geology-geomorphology group (Schlunegger, University of Bern). We will develop a new physics-based hydro-geomorphological approach to analyze sediment pathways, combining distributed hydrology-sediment modeling and connectivity mapping, with geological and geomorphological field observations and sediment tracing in the Alpine Rhine. You can learn more about sediment research in the ETH and Uni Bern groups ETH group and the Uni Bern group .


沉積物對河流、沿海和海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)起著幾個關(guān)鍵的作用,它產(chǎn)生了像侵蝕、泥石流和滑坡等自然災(zāi)害,并形成了對人類和生態(tài)系統(tǒng)具有獨特功能的洪泛區(qū)。然而,關(guān)于景觀中的沉積物源和匯的細節(jié),連接它們的路徑,以及它們何時和如何被激活,仍有許多未知數(shù)–特別是就河流流域尺度上的沉積物通量的定量預(yù)測而言。我們是一個跨學(xué)科的團隊,由水文學(xué)-沉積物模型組(蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院的Molnar)和地質(zhì)學(xué)-地貌學(xué)組(伯爾尼大學(xué)的Schlunegger)組成。我們將開發(fā)一種新的基于物理學(xué)的水文地貌學(xué)方法來分析沉積物的途徑,將分布式水文-沉積物模型和連接圖與地質(zhì)學(xué)和地貌學(xué)的實地觀察和阿爾卑斯山萊茵河的沉積物追蹤相結(jié)合。你可以了解更多關(guān)于ETH和Uni Bern小組的沉積物研究 ETH小組和Uni Bern小組 .

Job description

We are looking for 3 PhD students (2 at ETH Zurich and 1 at the University of Bern) to start on April 1, 2023 on a 4-year research project funded by the SNF in the areas:

PhD 1 : Sediment sources and connectivity analysis . This PhD student will be mapping potential sediment sources in the Alpine Rhine, researching structural and functional connectivity metrics, and exploring relations between sediment concentrations, and basin and climatic inputs by deep learning data-driven methods. Earth sciences background, GIS, and experience working with large data sets are required.PhD 2 : Process-based hydrology-sediment modelling . This PhD student will be working with our new coupled hydrology-sediment model , making fine sediment load observations in small basins to calibrate the model, adding new model components, and simulating source-to-sink pathways by tracing the sources with sediment fingerprints. Environmental engineering background, numerical methods knowledge, and excellent coding skills are required.

The team will be completed by PhD 3 in geological sediment tracing at the University of Bern. This PhD student will be collecting field data for the characterization of source signals for bedload (grain size, bulk petrography) and suspension loads (cosmogenic nuclides, bulk geochemistry and mineralogy), to develop sediment budgets, and to trace source signals through the channel network in Alpine Rhine basins. Geological field experience is required. To apply for this position contact Prof. Fritz Schlunegger ( fritz.schlunegger@geo.unibe.ch ).





該團隊將由伯爾尼大學(xué)地質(zhì)沉積物追蹤專業(yè)的博士生3完成。該博士生將收集實地數(shù)據(jù),用于表征床面負荷(粒度、體表巖石學(xué))和懸浮負荷(宇宙核素、體表地球化學(xué)和礦物學(xué))的源信號,制定沉積物預(yù)算,并通過阿爾卑斯山萊茵河盆地的渠道網(wǎng)絡(luò)追蹤源信號。需要有地質(zhì)領(lǐng)域的經(jīng)驗。申請此職位請聯(lián)系Fritz Schlunegger教授 ( fritz.schlunegger@geo.unibe.ch )。

Your profile

You have a Master of Sciences degree in environmental engineering or environmental (earth) sciences. You have a strong interest in computational methods (PhD 2) and geodata analysis (PhD 1) applied to Earth System problems, which you can demonstrate. You know how to use GIS and programming languages ??(e.g. Python, R, Matlab). You have some fieldwork experience and must be willing to take part in field campaigns. This is a team research effort – it is expected that you are willing and able to work with others, be creative, communicate, think critically and share your skills. Excellent command of English, oral and written, is required, and basic German is an advantage.



curious? So are we.

We look forward to receiving your application by December 23, 2022 . In your application, please express clearly which of the two PhD positions you are applying to. Your application will consist of:

– Motivation letter and research interests (max 1 pg, approx. 600 words)

– Curriculum vitae

– Academic transcripts from Bachelor and Master studies with grades

– Contact information for 2-3 potential referees (no referee letters please)

We will evaluate applications as they come in. We will only accept applications submitted through this portal. The positions will remain open until suitable candidates are found.

For further information about the positions please contact Prof. Peter Molnar ( peter.molnar@ifu.baug.ethz ) for PhDs 1 and 2 and Prof. Fritz Schlunegger ( fritz.schlunegger@geo.unibe.ch ) for PhD 3.



– 動機信和研究興趣(最多1頁,約600字)。

– 履歷表

– 學(xué)士和碩士學(xué)習(xí)成績單及成績單

– 2-3名潛在推薦人的聯(lián)系信息(請不要寫推薦信)。


有關(guān)這些職位的進一步信息,請聯(lián)系博士1和2的Peter Molnar教授 ( peter.molnar@ifu.baug.ethz )和博士3的Fritz Schlunegger教授 ( fritz.schlunegger@geo.unibe.ch )。


Two PhDs in alpine sediment research

3. 信息技術(shù)研究基金會(ITIS)是一個與瑞士聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院(ETH)聯(lián)合博士一名

The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), an independent, nonprofit research organization closely associated with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, is currently seeking PhD Students, PostDocs, and Senior Engineers in Electromagnetics to strengthen our near-field research team.

IT’IS, together with its partner organizations Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG), ZMT Zurich MedTech AG (ZMT), and TI Solutions AG, forms the Zurich43 alliance. Z43’s dedicated mission is to expand the knowledge and technology for the (i) characterization, optimization, and application of the electromagnetic (EM) near-field and (ii) predictive modelling of interactions between physical agents and physiology in complex anatomies.


ITIS與其伙伴組織Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG)、ZMT Zurich MedTech AG (ZMT)和TI Solutions AG一起組成了蘇黎世43聯(lián)盟。Z43的專門任務(wù)是擴大知識和技術(shù),用于(i)電磁(EM)近場的表征、優(yōu)化和應(yīng)用,以及(ii)物理制劑和生理學(xué)在復(fù)雜解剖中的相互作用的預(yù)測模型。

Your challenges:

? Participation in a range of research projects in electromagnetics (theory, experiments, modeling) and its applications (wireless systems, magnetic resonance imaging, novel therapies applying EM fields)

? High-level scientific contributions to the theory, modeling, optimization, and application of the EM near-field ? Development of novel instrumentation and characterization procedures

? Participation in national and international standard activities (IEC, IEEE, etc.)

? Collaboration with external research partners and provision of hardware support for Z43 customers

– 參與電磁學(xué)(理論、實驗、建模)及其應(yīng)用(無線系統(tǒng)、磁共振成像、應(yīng)用電磁場的新型療法)方面的一系列研究項目

– 對電磁近場的理論、建模、優(yōu)化和應(yīng)用做出高水平的科學(xué)貢獻 – 開發(fā)新型儀器和表征程序

– 參與國家和國際標(biāo)準活動(IEC、IEEE等)。

– 與外部研究伙伴合作,為Z43客戶提供硬件支持

Our offer: 我們提供

? Stimulating environment for innovation at the forefront of our research areas and key technologies

? State-of-the-art laboratories, high-performance computing clusters, and production facilities

? Vibrant and open R&D culture thanks to a diverse and creative mix of people from across the globe with various backgrounds in physics, electronics, mathematics, biology, etc.

? Colleagues who are smart, competent, and passionate about valuable, cutting-edge work and who strive to meet high ethical standards

– 在我們的研究領(lǐng)域和關(guān)鍵技術(shù)的最前沿,為創(chuàng)新提供激勵的環(huán)境

– 先進的實驗室、高性能計算集群和生產(chǎn)設(shè)施

– 充滿活力和開放的研發(fā)文化,得益于來自全球各地的具有物理學(xué)、電子學(xué)、數(shù)學(xué)、生物學(xué)等各種背景的多元化和創(chuàng)造性的人員組合。

– 聰明、能干、對有價值的前沿工作充滿熱情并努力達到高道德標(biāo)準的同事們

Please send your application documents (in English) consisting of

motivational letter, detailed CV (max 2 pages), diplomas, transcripts (with grades), work certificates and/or reference letters (if available) to: Zurich43, Yvonne Maeder, Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone: +41 44 245 96 96, jobs@z43.swiss


動機信、詳細的簡歷(最多2頁)、畢業(yè)證、成績單(含成績)、工作證明和/或推薦信(如果有的話),請寄到。Zurich43, Yvonne Maeder, Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone: +41 44 245 96 96, jobs@z43.swiss

4. Empa 博士職位一名

Empa is the research institute for materials science and technology of the ETH Domain and conducts cutting-edge research for the benefit of industry and the well-being of society.

The Laboratory of Multiscale Studies in Building Physics

focuses on developing methodologies and technologies that support energy transition and a sustainable society by improving the performance of porous media and building materials, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, and improving the quality of the built environment both for human comfort and public health. More recently, the laboratory has pursued model development and observational studies for investigating epidemic dynamics. The outcomes of these research activities have contributed to the forecasting and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland, receiving considerable mass-media coverage. The laboratory has excellent experimental infrastructures (including cutting-edge experimental fluid dynamics facilities, environmental chambers,

We invite applications for two PhD students for Model-Data Fusion on Complex Networks



The doctoral researchers will focus on the development of stochastic and data-driven methodologies to improve model predictivity and guide intervention measures on multiscale networks. In particular, the applications will deal with disease spread in human populations and cascade failure in power networks. The project will tackle fundamental challenges arising from modeling large-scale networks and integrate original ideas across machine learning and stochastic modeling to enable efficient yet high-fidelity predictions of complex network dynamics.

We are looking for two PhD students with strong analytical background, and MSc degree in Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics, or a related field. Professional command of English (both written and spoken) is mandatory. The successful candidates show enthusiasm for conducting original research and strives for scientific excellence. Prior exposure to stochastic models, machine learning, or network science would be highly desirable.

Work location is at the Laboratory of Multiscale Studies in Building Physics in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The PhD students will be enrolled in the EPFL doctoral school, under supervision of Prof. Jan S Hesthaven at the Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science https://www.epfl.ch/labs/mcss/


We offer internationally competitive conditions, optimal computational and experimental facilities, and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment where communication and interaction to create synergies and develop novel ideas are highly valued. The positions will be available as soon as possible or upon agreement; the planned project is four years.



工作地點在瑞士杜本多夫的建筑物理多尺度研究實驗室。博士生將在EPFL博士生院就讀,在計算數(shù)學(xué)和模擬科學(xué)主席Jan S Hesthaven教授的監(jiān)督下,Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science


For further information about the positions please contact, Dr Hossein Gorji (Scientist and Principal Investigator) mohammadhossein.gorji@empa.ch , Dr Ivan Lunati (Head of Laboratory at Empa) ivan.lunati@empa.ch , or Prof. Jan S Hesthaven (Chair Professor at EPFL) jan.hesthaven@epfl.ch , and visit our websites https://www.empa.ch/web/s305 , https://www.epfl.ch/labs/mcss/ and Empa videoWe look forward to receiving your online application until 30 November 2022including a letter of motivation, CV, diplomas with transcripts of all degrees obtained, a copy (either a link or upload) of the master thesis and additional publications (journal or conference papers) if available, and the contact details of two referees. Please upload the requested documents through our webpage. Applications via email will not be considered.

有關(guān)職位的進一步信息,請聯(lián)系Hossein Gorji博士(科學(xué)家和首席研究員)mohammadhossein.gorji@empa.ch,Ivan Lunati博士(Empa實驗室負責(zé)人)ivan.lunati@empa.ch,或Jan S Hesthaven教授(EPFL講座教授)jan.hesthaven@epfl.ch,并訪問我們的網(wǎng)站https://www.empa.ch/web/s305,Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science 和Empa視頻。


Empa, Patricia Nitzsche, Human Resources, Ueberlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland.


PhD students for Model-Data Fusion on Complex Networks

5. Paul Scherrer Institute研究所招聘PhD一位

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore, about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether, PSI employs 2200 people.

For the European EUSpecLab doctoral network we are looking for a Ph.D. student

Paul Scherrer Institute PSI是瑞士最大的自然和工程科學(xué)研究機構(gòu)。我們在物質(zhì)和材料、能源和環(huán)境以及人類健康領(lǐng)域進行尖端研究。通過進行基礎(chǔ)和應(yīng)用研究,我們致力于為社會、科學(xué)和經(jīng)濟面臨的重大挑戰(zhàn)提供可持續(xù)的解決方案。PSI致力于培訓(xùn)未來的一代。因此,我們約有四分之一的員工是博士后、研究生或?qū)W徒。PSI總共有2200名員工。


Your tasks

Scientific research and development of computational methods in the field of molecular nanoscience using synchrotron radiationParticipation in the EuSpecLab doctoral network https://www.euspeclab.cnrs.fr/Participation in the maintenance and operation of the group laboratoriesTeaching activities and enrollment at the University of Basel


利用同步輻射在分子納米科學(xué)領(lǐng)域進行科學(xué)研究和開發(fā)計算方法參與EuSpecLab博士網(wǎng)絡(luò)的工作 https://www.euspeclab.cnrs.fr/參與小組實驗室的維護和運作在巴塞爾大學(xué)的教學(xué)活動和招生工作

Your profile

Masters degree in experimental physics, nanoscience, physical chemistryPractical experience with surface science instrumentationExcellent programming skillsGood knowledge of English

Further requirements

International mobility: you have not spent more than 12 months within the last three years working or living in Switzerland (prior to recruitment date)國際流動:在過去三年中,您沒有在瑞士工作或生活超過12個月(在招聘日期之前)。


For further information, please contact Dr Matthias Kurt Muntwiler, e-mail matthias.muntwiler@psi.ch, phone +41 56 310 51 38.

Please submit your application online by November 18, 2022 (including addresses of referees) for the position as a PhD student (index no. 6215-00).

Paul Scherrer Institute, Human Resources Management, Alina Rao, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

申請鏈接:PhD Student

如需了解更多歐美PhD, Master等申請信息,可私信小窗或關(guān)注公眾號xiaojinyuoffer,不定期跟新各類留學(xué)最新信息。


小金魚留學(xué)工作室:哈佛大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院Lassar Lab招博后

小金魚留學(xué)工作室:強強聯(lián)合項目推薦-4:新加坡南洋理工大學(xué)+瑞士圣加侖大學(xué) – MBA+戰(zhàn)略和國際管理碩士

小金魚留學(xué)工作室:強強聯(lián)合項目推薦-5:蘇黎世聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院(ETH)-洛桑聯(lián)邦理工學(xué)院(EPFL)Learning Sciences聯(lián)合博士項目


小金魚留學(xué)工作室:最新THE2023年世界大學(xué)排名出爐,歐洲高校表現(xiàn)亮眼!– 世界級Top100歐洲高校整合






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